Know About Swim Spa Current Systems

Everyone wants to relax on their weekends and holidays. Spending quality time with your family with a glass of juice or wine is how some people define relaxation. Swim spas are a great option for them. They are of a more compact size than regular size indoor pools while you can still soak yourself with your family there. You can easily purchase them online or by physically visiting a store. There are mainly three types of big swim spas that you can choose from.


  • Jet Propulsion: This is the most important and common type of spa current system. It is a pressure driven system and is usually powered by a 4 horsepower motor that pumps water with the help of jets. You could easily buy them through swim spa sales. They are easy to install while you could also avail some swim spa discounts. In jet propulsion currents system you can adjust the power and the speed for up to 8 mph. They can be customized regarding direction and speed. It assists you in flotation and also when you are working out. The distribution of water may not be even but is a great way to spend your weekend.


  • Paddlewheel: This system works with the help of a rotation paddlewheel. You can purchase them from various swim spa deals. This type of swim spa helps you to adjust speed currently. The wheel creates a smooth and wide current covering the entire spa. Up to 80% of the water is circulated back to the paddlewheel from where the process starts again.


  • Propeller Powered System: This type of spa current system uses propellers to send water or stream of it through a grate in the wall of the spa unit. The water at the edge of the spa wall remains comparatively calm while the center experiences a current that is both relaxing and rejuvenating. The currents speed can be adjusted depending on your requirement. Water travels back through the help of recessed channels and goes beyond the spa You can order through swim spa factory direct and install them with professional help.


Look out for uniform water supply and flow. Buy spa current system where you can easily adjust current and speed. Swims Spa Store provides you with all the types of spa current system at affordable rates. You should be able to regulate the flow of water to match your skill and stamina.

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